Senin, 05 Januari 2009

the unexpected things

the unexpected things

Walk along with DR Thamrin, spending the evening and visiting the sick-father of our friend,
DR Fikarwin,

Sometimes we are as the human being, not seldom facing the unexpected things….hmm should we use our brain to think about this or just receive such condition as it sometimes happens in our life. As the educated persons we always try to keep whatever we have in right order, at least we make a system to help us use it better and help us live better too and easily, but… I told you above, it often happens that something runs inside our life (life which has been arranged with a system) unexpectedly, if it is exciting and interesting there won’t be any trouble, but unluckily if it came with the puzzle and gave us lot troubles……hmmm the experience of life usually does some helps…so why don’t we always keep doing right and good and kind things for our environment so that maybe one day if we got a problem, we can help ourselves faster and with full of tactic. What a good boy ! or people will say… How smart we are.. yess never ever surrender anytime we got problems, sometimes they are all just the directive tests by the Lord above, to us so that we can be living better and better…
Once I had ever got a very big problem, and I tried to calculate the sums well and I had come to a conclusion that the best solution I had to get a quite big loan of money….i tried to look for some helps among my friends…they were all god friends indeed, and they were so understanding with my condition and wanted to do some helps as well, but in their ideas they did things that I didn’t expect actually, but they showed me another different solution and it was very far from the expected thing that I wanted to.. but as the simple and poor human being, I had to consider and made others calculation, finally I had to appreciate the unexpected solution, and it worked….though it was a little bit slower, at last…they could also help me completing or finishing my own and main problems….well fellows, if you had the rather same things as I had, you know, you are the loved person. Somebody who is loved by his creator above, Alhamdulillah…….

One evening on Sembada 7th street in Padang Bulan, medan, with DR Thamrin and
DR Fikarwin
, my fellow lecturers of USU, Medan. Jan, 2009

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